Dr. Laurence Galant

The Health Breakthrough Discovery for the  21st Century!

As a passionate advocate for natural health, I want to present you with an opportunity that has the potential to revolutionize your understanding of health and well-being. Introducing our comprehensive online course, “The Complete Natural Health Experience,” designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to transform your life.

Imagine a world where you can embrace your body’s natural healing capabilities, nurture your mind, and achieve optimal vitality without relying on conventional methods. Our course empowers you to do just that. Packed with invaluable insights and practical guidance, it unravels the secrets of natural health, laying the foundation for a lifetime of holistic wellness.

(Dr. Galant is 80 years young in the above picture which was taken May 2022)

“Our Complete Natural Health Course provides you with:” Check it Out HERE

Not a lotions, or a potions. Not a powders or a pills. Not a drug, or medications. Not a gadget or gimmicks! But, a Permanent Solution to Americas “Health and Aging Crises”.

You can rid yourself of health problems, you can look and feel younger! And it’s Easier than you could ever imagine – Results are amazing


You simply won’t believe how easy it is. Male, female, old, young – it works for everyone! Once you learn these Health “secrets”; once you start using them, you’ll never want to stop because results will simply amaze you, and have you in disbelief. This can’t be happening…but seeing is believing. The average person who joins this health program begins middle age at 70 and according to proven research can live as long as 120 + years old with full vitality and energy.




We are Highly qualified and motivated professionals in Natural Health. Our business has a long tradition in the Natural Hygiene Health industry. It was founded in 1984 by Dr. Laurence Galant is the administrator and Created of the “Super Health Inner Circle Coaching” Program (SHICC). He is also the founder of The Health and Nutritional Guidance Center, the Galant Group Seminars and the Advance Hypnotherapy Center, he is a Board Certified Medical Clinical Hypnotherapist, Practitioner of “Neuro Linguistic” Programming (NLP) with a doctorate degree in Health and Nutritional Science from the America College of Health Science in Austin, TX in 1984. He is also a lifetime member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT), and a member of The National Association of Certified Hypnotherapist and The National Council for Medical and Clinical Hypnotherapy (NCMCH). And above all a Truth In Health Researcher.”

This FREE book Will acquaint you with a 100% effective Health System
*Mind-Liberating – hold the key to robust sickness-free living
* You can make disease a nightmare of the past
* Discover how to rather quickly overcome illness
* Enjoy vibrant health and euphoric well-being!


You can JOIN OTHERS IN BRINGING HEALTH TO AMERICA.  There is much YOU can do to help bring health to America and become a part of a movement that has as its goal the total elimination of disease from America – in fact, the whole human race! The purpose of our lessons are to introduce you to the philosophy, principles and practices of “Healthology” a 100% effective health system and to the course/lectures.

The primary concept  is that health is normal and natural. And, further, that perfect health results from observing in practices the causes of health. This suggests that disease is abnormal, unnatural and, therefore unnecessary.

All of us are obligated to ourselves and to those whose lives we touch to learn and implement a valid health program that agrees with our biological necessities. This health program will make us a model of vibrant, sickness-free health. There is really only one health system that exemplifies health. This we call “Healthology”. That is the program we promote, endorse, teach and support. Knowing and realizing that all healing is self-healing, and the body has the exclusive ability to make itself well again starting at the cellular level. Good Health Starts at the Cellular Level. Our Health Educational program is intended for long term use. Research it, study it, learn it, and apply it. And you will be very healthy with the results for a long time. Your Body is Amazing… And Your Mind Controls it ALL!


If you follow the system that the facts presented in these lessons, your energy levels, strength, and overall well-being will zoom up­wards to levels that you never dreamed about-to height that will excite the admiration and emulation of those around you! You will look and feel much younger, about 20 to 30 years younger

Energy and Vitality

Have you ever seen fifty- sixty- and seventy year old’s  full of energy and vitality leaping, jumping, running, and playing like youngsters? I would not hold forth this promise except that I do it myself at age 80 and my partner 85 (As of January 2023) . And I see it in thousands of others who have adopted the program which this Super Health INNER CIRCLE .Brand New Health Digital Home Study Program for unlimited power and Vigorous Health.

“Helping You Help Yourself to a Successful Healthier Way Of Life!” 

The Truth In Health

America and the world is still in the dark ages in their thinking when it comes to health and diseases. If you are interested in knowing how to get well and be healthy, it is first absolutely necessary and required for you to understand the laws of life. It is the only True philosophy of health. 

“When you find yourself on the side of popular opinion it’s time to pause and reflect”~Mark Twain

The Super Health Inner Circle Coaching System/The Galant Method

 Is the pathway to reversing the sign and symptoms of aging. It’s getting the attention of thousands of healthy minded people. find out more about the SHICCS  program…..


  • Decrease Risk of Age-Related Diseases
  • Improve Muscle and Body Tone
  • Decrease Body Fat
  • Increase Energy and Vitality
  • Increase Sex Drive
  • Produces Sharper Thinking
  • Improves Your Outlook On Life…
  • Start to have new levels of energy, vitality and personal wellbeing!
  • Take joy in deeper, more restful sleep!
  • Enhance the function of your liver and detoxification!
  • Enjoy healthier younger looking skin!
  • Invigorate sexual stamina and endurance
  • Sharpen memory and brain health!
  • Improve the functions of your heart!
  • Boost your immune System (defensive system)!
  • And much, much more! 


Who do you know that does NOT want to be Healthy? You can JOIN OTHERS IN BRINGING HEALTH TO AMERICA.  

There is much YOU can do to help bring health to America and become a part of a movement that has as its goal the total elimination of disease from America – in fact, the whole human race! The purpose of our lessons are to introduce you to the philosophy, principles and practices of “Healthology” a 100% effective health system and to the course/lectures.

The primary concept  is that health is normal and natural. And, further, that perfect health results from observing in practices the causes of health. This suggests that disease is abnormal, unnatural and, therefore unnecessary.

All of us are obligated to ourselves and to those whose lives we touch to learn and implement a valid health program that agrees with our biological necessities. This health program will make us a model of vibrant, sickness-free health. There is really only one health system that exemplifies health. This we call “Healthology”. That is the program we promote, endorse, teach and support. Knowing and realizing that all healing is self-healing, and the body has the exclusive ability to make itself well again starting at the cellular level.
Good Health Starts at the Cellular Level. Our Health Educational program is intended for long term use. Research it, study it, learn it, and apply it. And you will be very healthy with the results for a long time. Your Body is Amazing… And Your Mind Controls it ALL!

Is our Fate Predetermined?

Many scientists studying mortality now believe that aging itself is really a dis-ease, and not the inevitable experience of the biological organism. In other words, the rate of aging is not our predetermined fate! The Rich have secretly STOPPED Aging. And Guess What? Unfortunately You’re Were NOT Invited, Till Now! Start Your Path to Optimal Health Today

Your journey to optimal health starts with the daily choices you make. Nourish your body, as it is the vessel that carries you through life’s incredible journey.

Every wholesome meal, mindful exercise, and positive thought builds a stronger, more resilient you. Remember, investing in your well-being pays immeasurable dividends throughout your life.

Take charge of your health today and see the transformative impact it can have on your entire existence.

To help you on this path, I’m offering you a gift – “The Real Health Formula that Nobody Dares To Reveal” eBook. This comprehensive resource will naturally fortify your body’s defenses.

Download your complimentary copy now and begin your journey to a healthier, happier you. And also a…



This is one of the things
you can do for the best of you! “EDUCATION”

Take full responsibility and Educate yourself, do your own research and think on your own. Health is our greatest wealth! “With health everything is a source of pleasure; without it nothing else is enjoyable … the greatest of all mistake and unfortunate decision caused by bad judgment or lack of information is to sacrifice health for any other kind of happiness, whether it be for financial gain, advancement, learning, or fame; “everything must be made secondary to Health! So”. Who can you count on with your health? You are the only one who can think for you, breath for you, eat for you, exercise for you, get sunshine
for you, etc. The only one responsible and the only one you can count on is YOU! So how are you going to be healthy and wealthy? Never STOP Learning!

“Those Who Keep Learning Will Keep Rising In Life”. ~ Charlie Munger ~

Educating AMERICA in Health and Longevity


This Health Home Study program is a journey that will guiding your mind and body which will show you how to easily and quickly change lifelong, self-destructive habits of thoughts and lifestyles.

The journey will be an extraordinary one. Along the way you’ll discover exactly how to take your life from where you are to where you want to be. You will discover the secret to living a long, healthy and wonderful life, the power to have anything you truly want and the magic you’ll need to make it all happen. YOUR BODY IS AMAZING & YOUR MIND CONTROLS IT ALL!

Within days of beginning to read the program, your life will begin to change… in fact it is impossible for it not to.



It was yours anyway; you had it all the time, so it is not really giving to you. It merely shows you where it has been hiding from you in plain site. It is the thing which has eluded all of the great health teachers for some reason and it is the answer you have been looking for years.

Though it also comes with a dark side as well which, unless care is taken, can be the seed to your undoing.



I’m sure there are many people considering making a New Years’ resolution to lose some weight, get healthier, etc., also there has been a lot of talk about the “carnivore diet” lately and you may have heard incorrectly about the Carnivore Diet. This is nothing new, people over the years have tried different diets before. So, Are we really meat eaters?



“What If… Everything your thinking now and everything You’ve Been Taught In the Past and Everything You Know Right Now About Health Is Dead-Wrong?” What you think you know, isn’t so!  IF THERE TRULY IS A HEALTH BREAKTHROUGH DISCOVERY FOR THE 21ST CENTURY, THIS IS IT! STOP Following with Blind Obedience. Blind Obedience is a behaviour whereby people do as they are told without thinking for themselves on whether what they hear is true or whether they should obey orders.


A Life-changing ONLINE educational experience for people of all ages. Come and join us at TruthInHealth and make new connections in our growing community of health-loving people.

Come and join the liberating beauty of this 100% effective health system. You’ll learn how to create a healthful lifestyle and overcome diseases, freeing you of fears and medical dependance, on your way to achieving true vibrant health and joyous living.


America cannot afford the path we’re on!


Embrace a Healthier You: Discover the Power of Natural Hygiene Health

Imagine waking up every day feeling energized, vibrant, and full of life. Picture yourself with glowing skin, a fit body, and a mind as clear as a blue sky. This is not just a dream—it’s achievable with the principles of Natural Hygiene Health. Let me guide you through your first lesson in this transformative journey towards optimal health and well-being.

What is Natural Hygiene Health?


The Journey Begins

As you embark on this journey of Natural Hygiene Health, remember that small, consistent changes can lead to significant results. Start by incorporating more raw and whole foods into your diet, drink plenty of water, move your body daily, and prioritize your mental well-being.

Join Our Community

We invite you to join our community of like-minded individuals committed to living healthier, happier lives through Natural Hygiene. Together, we can support each other, share tips and recipes, and celebrate our progress.

Take the First Step – Get Lesson one NOW!

Are you ready to transform your health and unlock the secrets to a vibrant and thriving life? Sign up for your first lesson in Natural Hygiene Health today and take the first step towards a healthier you.

By embracing the principles of Natural Hygiene Health, you’re not just making a commitment to your health—you’re choosing a lifestyle that honors your body’s natural wisdom. Picture yourself at your best, and start living the life you deserve.


“Embrace a Holistic Journey to Vitality: Join Our Natural Health Course”

Welcome to the gateway of transformative health and well-being! In embarking on this journey, you’re on the cusp of exploring a holistic approach that harmonizes mind, body, and spirit. Our Natural Health Course represents an opportunity to delve into the profound connection between your lifestyle choices and your overall vitality.

The driving force behind our program is to empower individuals to reclaim their health, revitalize their energy, and rediscover their natural balance. In our first lesson, you’ll uncover the fundamental principles that underpin the efficacy of natural hygiene in fostering a vibrant and energetic life.

Why Join Us?

Comprehensive Wellness Understanding: Our course offers a holistic perspective, focusing on nutrition, movement, rest, and mental well-being. Through a deep dive into these areas, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of how these elements intertwine to create overall health.

Empowerment Through Knowledge: Education is empowerment. By acquiring a profound understanding of natural hygiene principles, you’ll gain the tools and insights needed to make informed decisions about your health and well-being.

Copywrite 1984 – 2024 all rights reserved. The Galant Group LLC

Health Disclaimer
Because we discuss highly sensitive health information, this requires us to include the following statement. “The originators the producers and the distributors/associates of this program and products do NOT prescribe to any of the materials, products or concepts and techniques presented in this publication as a form of treatment for any illnesses or medical conditions, nor it is the intent of the originators,  producers or distributors/associates to diagnose or prescribe.  The intent is to offer natural health related information to assist you and working with any health specialist you may choose now and in the future.  Recognizing that within the health, medical, dietary, and exercise field, there are widely diverging viewpoints and opinions.  Therefore, before beginning any practice related to health, diet, and exercise program, it is highly recommended that you first consult a recognized medical professional.  Should you choose to make use of this information contained herein without first consulting a health professional, you are prescribing for yourself which is your right, and the creators and producers of this program do NOT assume any responsibility whatsoever under any conditions or circumstances.” We trust you’ve consider carefully the information we’ve discussed in this publication and you act accordingly with your rights.